Book notes: Continuous Discovery Habits
Book notes on "Continuous Discovery Habits" by Teresa Torres

These are my notes on Continuous Discovery Habits by Teresa Torres.
Very practical advise and tool for Product Managers. To quote Teresa:
Approach to give you confidence to act while preparing you to be wrong.
Interestingly, a lot of the advice it very applicable to software architecture:
- Best path to desired outcome is the “ill-structured problem”:
- There is no right or wrong, only better or worse.
- Most of the work is framing the problem itself:
- Framing impacts how we solve it.
- Good problem-solvers try many framings.
Key Insights
- Product trio:
- Product Manager + Designer + SW eng.
- Product trios should interview together.
- At minimum, weekly touch points with customers by the team building the product where they conduct small research activities in pursuit of a desired outcome.
- Continuous interviewing is the keystone habit for continuous discovery.
- Opportunity Solution Tree (OST):
- Avoid “whether or not” decisions, but a “compare and contrast”.
- Best designers evolve the problem and solution space together.
- When an idea does not work, take the time to reflect on what you learned.
- Josh Seiden, Outcomes Over Outputs:
- An outcome is a change in human behavior that drives business results.
- Primary research question:
- What opportunity matter most to this customer?
- Best is to ask them to share specific stories about their experience:
- Dig into the details.
- Don’t allow them to generalize.
- An opportunity should have more than one potential solution, otherwise it is simply a solution in disguise.
- Do not score opportunities:
- Make a data-informed, subjective comparison.
- Choosing an opportunity is an easily reversible decision, so:
- Avoid analysis-paralysis:
- We will learn more by acting.
- You are just committing to explore it further.
- Avoid analysis-paralysis:
- Research shows:
- More idea == more diverse and novel.
- Most original ideas tend to be generated toward the end of the ideation session.
- Individuals outperformed brainstorming groups.
- We are better at evaluating ideas as a group.
- Best:
- Generate ideas individually.
- Share.
- Go to 1.
- Fast discovery iterations only possible if instead of testing ideas, test the assumptions that need to be true in order for the ideas to succeed.
- Do not test one idea at a time, but assumptions from all ideas at the same time.
- Assumption tests should simulate an experience, so that the participant behaves, not only says that they will do or not.
- Define evaluation criteria upfront.
- You are not trying to prove that an assumption is true, but to reduce the risk.
- Introduction
- Part I - What is Continuous Delivery?
- Part II - Continuous Discovery Habits
- Chapter 3 - Focusing on Outcomes over Outputs
- Chapter 4 - Visualizing What You Know
- Chapter 5 - Continuous Interviewing
- Chapter 6 - Mapping the Opportunity Space
- Chapter 7 - Prioritizing Opportunities, Not Solutions
- Chapter 8 - Supercharged Ideation
- Chapter 9 - Identifying Hidden Assumptions
- Chapter 10 - Testing Assumptions, Not Ideas
- Chapter 11 - Measure Impact
- Chapter 12 - Managing The Cycles
- Chapter 13 - Slow You Work
- Part III - Developing You Continuous Discovery Habits
- Focus on customers was a better strategy than obsessing about our competitors.
- Naively thought business would be human centered.
Part I - What is Continuous Delivery?
Chapter 1 - The What and Why of Continuous Delivery
- Questions:
- Does the customer want it?
- Are you improving over time?
- Are you creating value for the customer and your business?
- Approach to give you confidence to act while preparing you to be wrong.
- Product trio:
- Product Manager + Designer + SW eng.
- Other roles are welcomed but beware of the cost.
- Mindset:
- Outcome-oriented.
- Customer-centric.
- Collaborative.
- Visual:
- Humans have an immense capacity for spatial reasoning.
- Experimental.
- Continuous.
- At minimum, weekly touch points with customers by the team building the product where they conduct small research activities in pursuit of a desired outcome.
Chapter 2 - A Common Framework for Continuous Delivery
- The focus on outcomes at the cost of the customer is not uncommon.
- Best path to desired outcome is the “ill-structured problem”:
- There is no right or wrong, only better or worse.
- Most of the work is framing the problem itself:
- Framing impacts how we solve it.
- Good problem-solvers try many framings.
- Pursue business value by creating customer value.
- Opportunity: customer needs, pain points or desires.
- Opportunity Solution Tree (OST):
- Shared understanding.
- Split big opportunities into smaller and smaller ones.
- Chip and Dan Heath, Decisive Book:
- 4 villains of decision-making:
- Looking too narrowly at a problem.
- Confirmation bias.
- Letting short-term emotions affect decisions.
- Overconfidence.
- First book to read after this one.
- 4 villains of decision-making:
- Avoid “whether or not” decisions, but a “compare and contrast”.
- Best designers evolve the problem and solution space together.
- When an idea does not work, take the time to reflect on what you learned.
Part II - Continuous Discovery Habits
Chapter 3 - Focusing on Outcomes over Outputs
- Josh Seiden, Outcomes Over Outputs:
- An outcome is a change in human behavior that drives business results.
- Product teams have to do discovery work to identify the connection between product outcomes (metrics they can influence) and business outcomes (metrics that drive the business).
- Measure What Matters valid criticisms from Felipe Castro.
- Outcomes communicate uncertainty.
- Multiple teams with the same business outcome make it easy to blame other teams for the lack of progress.
- Traction metrics (usage of a particular feature) do not give product teams any latitude:
- They are outputs.
- Avoid them except:
- Junior product teams.
- When optimizing a solution instead of finding a new solution.
- Outcome negotiated between product leader and product trio.
- Stable product trio focused on the same outcome is critical, so that they do not need to learn again how to move the metric:
- Start with a learning goal, then move to a SMART goal.
Chapter 4 - Visualizing What You Know
- Steps:
- Agree on scope, focusing on desired outcome.
- Individually create an experience map.
- Study each other’s map.
- Co-create a map:
- Include all individual nodes of all maps.
- Collapse similar nodes.
- Map more than the happy path.
- Add context (visually if possible)
- Experience maps are visual.
- Drawing is more specific than writing. Language is vague.
- I strongly disagree.
- Maps:
- Nodes: moment in time, action or event.
- Links.
- Refine the map as you learn.
Chapter 5 - Continuous Interviewing
- Interviewing is not to ask your customers what you should build:
- It is to discover and explore opportunities.
- Direct (factual) questions require recalling facts without context:
- Prone to cognitive biases.
- Answers not accurate.
- Confidence isn’t a good indicator of truth or reality.
- When information is missing, our brains simply fill in details to make the story coherent.
- Primary research question:
- What opportunity matter most to this customer?
- Best is to ask them to share specific stories about their experience:
- Dig into the details.
- Don’t allow them to generalize.
- Use the experience map as a guide.
- Research question: what you are trying to learn.
- Interview question: what you ask in your interview.
- Synthesize using an interview snapshot:
- Quick facts: help identify type of customer.
- Opportunities: use customer’s words.
- Top right, experience map for this customer.
- Interview at least one customer every week.
- Source of candidates:
- While users are using your product.
- Ads.
- Support.
- Marketing.
- Customer Advisory Board.
- Product trios should interview together.
Chapter 6 - Mapping the Opportunity Space
- Our job is to address customer opportunities that drive our desired outcome.
- Branches in the OST must not have overlaps.
- Look for key moments (or nodes) in:
- Experience Map.
- From patterns in interview experience maps.
- Avoid:
- Opportunities framed from your company’s perspective.
- Vertical opportunities (trees with no branches).
- Opportunities with two parents.
- Capturing feelings as opportunities.
- An opportunity should have more than one potential solution, otherwise it is simply a solution in disguise.
Chapter 7 - Prioritizing Opportunities, Not Solutions
- Compare top level opportunities in the tree, and recursively do the same with the children of the chosen one.
- Comparison criteria:
- Size: how many customers and how often?
- Market: how if affects our position in the market:
- Differentiators vs table stakes.
- Company:
- Does it support company/business unit/team vision/mission/strategy?
- Available skills in the team.
- Customer:
- How important it is.
- How satisfied customers are with the current solution?
- Do not score opportunities:
- Make a data-informed, subjective comparison.
- Choosing an opportunity is an easily reversible decision, so:
- Avoid analysis-paralysis:
- We will learn more by acting.
- You are just committing to explore it further.
- Avoid analysis-paralysis:
Chapter 8 - Supercharged Ideation
- Research shows:
- More idea == more diverse and novel.
- Most original ideas tend to be generated toward the end of the ideation session.
- Brainstorming rules:
- Focus on quantity.
- Defer judgement.
- Combine and improve ideas.
- Welcome unusual ideas.
- Research shows that individuals outperformed brainstorming groups due to:
- Social loafing:
- People tend to work harder on their own.
- Group conformity:
- People censored themselves due to concerns about how others would judge their ideas.
- Production blocking:
- You are about to say an idea, somebody else jumps in, and you forget your idea.
- Downward not setting:
- Performance of a group tends to be limited to the lowest-performing member.
- Social loafing:
- Brainstorming groups are subject to “illusion of group productivity”:
- Groups overestimate their performance, because “cognitive failures” (getting stuck) happens less often than to individuals.
- Best:
- Generate ideas individually.
- Share.
- Go to 1.
- Tips for ideation:
- Take frequent breaks.
- Walk.
- Change scenery.
- Try different times of the day.
- Sleep over it.
- Look at competitors or other industries for analogous problems.
- Pretend to have a magic want.
- Research shows that we are better at evaluating ideas as a group.
- Dot-vote ideas as a group:
- First, remove ideas that do not address the opportunity.
- Only criteria is how well the idea addresses the target opportunity.
- Until you have set aside 3 ideas.
- Each idea should have a strong advocate.
- Include the whole team in ideation:
- Consider also including key stakeholders.
Chapter 9 - Identifying Hidden Assumptions
- Fast discovery iterations only possible if instead of testing ideas, test the assumptions that need to be true in order for the ideas to succeed.
- Use story mapping to align/understand ideas:
- Be specific.
- Story map what would be the best solution based on what we know right now.
- List assumptions in each step.
- Assumptions == risks (desirability, feasibility, usability) + ethical viability.
- Use pre-mortems:
- Imagine it is 6 months into the future and the product/initiative launched, and it was a complete failure. What went wrong?
- Walk up the OST and be very specific about why the solution will address the opportunity and the opportunity the outcome.
- Prioritizing assumptions:
- Place them relative to each other.
- Pick the 2-3 top right most.
- More important == less likely to have a workaround.
- Expect to generate ~20 assumptions per idea.
- Phrase your assumptions so that they need to be true:
- NO: customer will not remember their password.
- YES: customers will remember their password.
Chapter 10 - Testing Assumptions, Not Ideas
- Do not test one idea at a time, but assumptions from all three ideas at the same time:
- Avoid confirmation bias and escalation of commitment.
- Assumption tests should simulate an experience, so that the participant behaves, not only says that they will do or not.
- It is common for ideas to share assumptions:
- Can rule out multiple ideas at once.
- Define evaluation criteria upfront:
- Be explicit:
- How many people we’ll test.
- How many people need to exhibit the behaviour.
- Be explicit:
- You are not trying to prove that an assumption is true, but to reduce the risk:
- Start small and iterate to bigger, more reliable tests.
- In the majority of cases, you will learn plenty from small-scale tests.
- Tools:
- Unmoderated user testing:
- Produce a video test you can watch later.
- One-question surveys.
- Unmoderated user testing:
Chapter 11 - Measure Impact
- Measure not only what you need to evaluate our assumption tests, but also what we need to measure impact on our outcome.
- Start small and experiment your way to the best instrumentation.
Chapter 12 - Managing The Cycles
- Most of the work in discovery is not following the process; it is managing the cycles.
Chapter 13 - Slow You Work
- Share with stakeholders your whole journey, so they can make their own conclusions and help co-create.
- Use your discovery framework to help stakeholders see where their idea does (or does not) fit.
- You aren’t going to win the ideological war in one conversation (or never).
Part III - Developing You Continuous Discovery Habits
Chapter 14 - Start Small, and Iterate
- Continuous interviewing is the keystone habit for continuous discovery.
- The best time to advocate for discovery is when a feature falls short of expectations.
- Consider what you can do in the unique company’s context and let go of the “That would never work here”.