Book notes: An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management
Book notes on "An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management" by Will Larson

These are my notes on An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management by Will Larson.
Key Insights
- Managers should support 6-8 engineers.
- Managers of mangers should support 4-6 managers.
- Tech lead is a role with limited career opportunities: too little management and too little technical.
- Teams smaller than 4 are not teams.
- On hiring, fix one team at a time, not a bit on each.
- Move work, not people.
- States of a team:
- Falling behind:
- Backlog growing, low morale, hard work but little progress.
- Solution: hire more people.
- Tactical support:
- Setting user expectations.
- Quick wins (for morale).
- Threading water:
- Critical work gets done but no innovation or paying technical debt.
- Solution: reduce WIP.
- Tactical support: from personal to team view on productivity.
- Repaying debt:
- Compounding effect.
- Solution: find time to continue.
- Tactical support: ensure enough delivery to keep users happy.
- Innovating:
- Solution: Enough slack.
- High performing teams are sacred.
- Tactical support: ensure work is valued.
- Falling behind:
- Key tools for leading change:
- Systems thinking.
- Metrics.
- Vision.
- Folks universally want to be responsible.
Strategy | Vision | |
Purpose | Approach to a specific challenge | A gentle, aligning pressure |
Character | Practical | Aspirational |
Time Frame | Variable | Long-term |
Specificity | Accurate, detailed | Illustrative, directional |
Quantity | As many as useful | As few as possible |
- The fact that something stops working at significantly increased scale is a sign that it was designed appropriately to the previous constraints rather than being over-designed.
- Most poor working relationships are the by-product of information gaps.
- Prioritize long-term success over short-term quality.
- Bad policy is one that does little constraint.
- Policies are hard to enforce because:
- Reduce opportunities.
- Are a local suboptimal.
- With the right people, any process works, and with the wrong people, no process works.
- Typical errors as a manager.
- Growth only comes from change, and that is something you can influence.
- Chapter 2 - Organizations
- Chapter 3 - Tools
- Chapter 4 - Approaches
- Chapter 5 - Culture
- Chapter 6 - Careers
- Chapter 7 - Appendix
Chapter 2 - Organizations
- Sizing teams:
- The fundamental challenge of organizational design.
- Managers should support 6-8 engineers:
- Less == tech lead.
- It is a role with limited career opportunities:
- Too little management and too little technical.
- It is a role with limited career opportunities:
- More == coach.
- Less == tech lead.
- Managers of mangers should support 4-6 managers:
- Less == underutilized, tempted to create their own work.
- More == coach.
- On-call requires 8 engineers.
- Teams smaller than 4 are not teams.
- Staying on the path to high-performing teams.
- States of a team:
- Falling behind:
- Backlog growing, low morale, hard work but little progress.
- Solution: hire more people.
- Tactical support:
- Setting user expectations.
- Quick wins (for morale).
- Threading water:
- Critical work gets done but no innovation or paying technical debt.
- Solution: reduce WIP.
- Tactical support: from personal to team view on productivity.
- Repaying debt:
- Compounding effect.
- Solution: find time to continue.
- Tactical support: ensure enough delivery to keep users happy.
- Innovating:
- Solution: Enough slack.
- High performing teams are sacred.
- Tactical support: ensure work is valued.
- Falling behind:
- Slow process to move between stages.
- On hiring, fix one team at a time, not a bit on each.
- Move work, not people.
- Gatekeeper antipattern:
- Having humans who perform gatekeeping activities creates very odd social dynamics, and is rarely a great use of a human’s time.
- If you are overwhelmed with possible areas of improvements, agree with your manager on an explicit plan, and give yourself permission to do the rest poorly.
- Plan your succession: Page 53.
- States of a team:
Chapter 3 - Tools
- Key tools for leading change:
- Systems thinking.
- Metrics.
- Vision.
- Basic product management:
- Explore problems to solve:
- User’s pain.
- User’s purpose.
- Competition.
- User cohorts.
- Further competitive advantages.
- Problem selection:
- Consider different time frames.
- Industry trends.
- ROI.
- Solution validation:
- Write an announcement letter.
- Prior art.
- User switching costs.
- Find an early adopter.
- It is far more reliable to get good at cheap validation than it is to get great at picking the right solution.
- Explore problems to solve:
Strategy | Vision | |
Purpose | Approach to a specific challenge | A gentle, aligning pressure |
Character | Practical | Aspirational |
Time Frame | Variable | Long-term |
Specificity | Accurate, detailed | Illustrative, directional |
Quantity | As many as useful | As few as possible |
- Goals decouple the “what” from the “how”.
- Good goals have 4 numbers:
- Target.
- Baseline.
- Trend.
- Time frame.
- Answer:
- How ambitious the goal is.
- When it is achieved.
- Set constraints: investment, baselines that should not change.
- Metrics are an effective way to lead change with little or no organizational authority:
- The most general and self-managing tool is bench marking (against other teams).
- Nudge teams into action by pushing notifications.
- Folks universally want to be responsible.
- The fact that something stops working at significantly increased scale is a sign that it was designed appropriately to the previous constraints rather than being over-designed.
- Migrations are the only mechanism to effectively manage technical debt.
- Reorgs:
- Is it going to solve an already existing and not temporal structural problem?
- Use a years out head count, to avoid yearly reorgs.
- Put teams that work together (especially poorly) as close together as possible. This minimizes distance from escalation during disagreements, allowing arbiters to have sufficient context.
- Most poor working relationships are the by-product of information gaps.
- Career progression:
- Identify your 3-5 years goal.
- Identify gaps in your skills to achieve that goal.
- Pick a few to focus for the next 3-6 months.
- Agree on action plan with manager.
- Model, document, share:
- Approach to leadership without authority.
- Model:
- Baseline.
- Try it long enough as an experiment.
- Document:
- The problem solved.
- Learning.
- Detailed approach.
- Share:
- Don’t lobby for changes, just present.
- Designing centralized decision-making groups:
- Aim to increase positive freedom, while not reducing negative freedom.
- Decide:
- Influence: advisory <–> authoritarian.
- Interface: ticket, email, weekly review sessions.
- Size.
- Time commitment.
- Identity: small teams and high time commitment are required for shifting identity to this group. If you want this.
- Selection process.
- Length of term.
- How representative will this group be?
- Failure modes:
- Domineering.
- Bottlenecked.
- Status oriented.
- Inert.
- Presenting to senior leadership: Page 104.
- Time management:
- Reflect on how you spend your time.
- Prioritize long-term success over short-term quality.
- Stop doing things, and then alert your team and management.
- Communities of learnings:
- Few minutes of content, then move to discussion.
- Discuss in groups of 4-5.
- Regroup and share learnings per group.
- Pick topics people already know about.
Chapter 4 - Approaches
- Policies:
- To bring consistency == fairness.
- Define goals.
- Defines constraints that support those goals.
- Bad policy is one that does little constraint.
- Policies are hard to enforce because:
- Reduce opportunities.
- Are a local suboptimal.
- Avoid exceptions:
- Collect escalations and exception requests.
- Periodically, review policy with (1) in mind.
- How to say no to more work:
- Explain current velocity and its constraint. Outcome, either:
- You get more resources.
- Move to prioritization vs current work.
- Prioritization vs current work:
- Document all incoming tasks.
- Develop guiding principles on how work is selected.
- Show selected list.
- Compare new work against principles and selected list.
- Explain current velocity and its constraint. Outcome, either:
- Almost every internal problem can be traced back to a missing or poor relationship:
- Start debugging problems from the relationship angle.
- With the right people, any process works, and with the wrong people, no process works.
- When:
- Rapid growing: execution is more important than new ideas.
- Stabilized: ideas > execution.
- Typical errors as a manager:
- Junior:
- Only manage down.
- Only manage up.
- Never manage up.
- Optimize locally.
- Assume hiring never solves any problem.
- Not spending time building relationships.
- Define their role too narrowly
- Forget your manager is a human being.
- More experienced:
- Do what worked in previous company.
- Spend too much time building relationships.
- Assume hiring can solve any problem.
- Abscond rather than delegate.
- Become disconnected from ground truth.
- Both:
- Mistake team size for impact.
- Mistake title for impact.
- Confuse authority with truth.
- Dont trust the team enough to delegate.
- Let other people manage your time.
- Only see problems and not celebrate successes.
- Junior:
- To grow as a manager, purse growth in scope rather than # people you manage.
Chapter 5 - Culture
- To make your peers your team:
- Must be aware of each others work.
- Know at a personal level.
- Somebody must act as a referee.
- Avoid zero-sum culture.
- Make it explicit.
Chapter 6 - Careers
- Growth only comes from change, and that is something you can influence.
- Interview process:
- Be kind.
- Budget enough time.
- Agree with interviews on role’s requirements.
- Understand the signal your interview is checking for.
- Come prepared.
- Deliberately express interest:
- Get every interviewer to send a note saying that they enjoyed the interview (with an explanation).
- Feedback loops:
- Training new interviews.
- Candidate to interview designer.
- Interviewers to interview designer.
- Be kind.
- Performance management systems are the most valuable entry point to shape company’s culture, inclusion and performance.
- Moving away from generalized roles and towards specialists, creates a more brittle organization.
Chapter 7 - Appendix
- Teams and orgs have very limited appetite for new process: roll out one change at a time.
- Sprints work well if:
- Team knows:
- What they should be working on.
- Can determine if the work is complete.
- Knows how to figure out what to work on next.
- Stakeholders:
- Can learn what the team is working on.
- Can learn what the team plans to work on next.
- Know how to influence the team’s plans.
- Middle management: focus on roadmaps.
- Team knows: